What is VIP ServicePlus?
VIP ServicePlus is a membership program provided by Liberty Motor Club and administered by myEZ Car Care, LLC that helps Members properly maintain their vehicles and vehicle records while saving money on vehicle maintenance, rental cars, hotels, vacations and more.
Why did Liberty Motor Club provide this membership to me?
Liberty Motor Club provided this membership to you because they want you to have a safer, more economical and efficient vehicle as they car about your overall ownership experience.
What's the Electronic Glove Box®?
The Electronic Glove Box® is myEZ Car Care's branded internet portal that is a one stop shop for all vehicle information, service reminders, discounts and more. It is available via mobile app or any internet-enabled device.
How do my Electronic Glove Box records get updated?
You can easily add records or reminders via the mobile app or just login to your Electronic Glove Box® at http://www.vipserviceplus.com/login.php using your email address as your Username. Click on your vehicle, then click on the appropriate button to Add or View Records or Reminders.
Where do Members get discounts?
VIP ServicePlus Members get discounts at thousands of locations for auto maintenance, rental cars, hotels and vacations worldwide and you never need a coupon or have to wait for a sale. Input your zip/postal code in the "search for service providers" box at the top right of any web page to find auto service providers. Click on the Discounts tab on our web site, or click this link http://www.vipserviceplus.com/Discounts.html to learn more. To find the participating locations of your choice and to make your reservation and receive your myEZ Car Care discounts just login to your Electronic Glove Box® at http://www.vipserviceplus.com/login.php
What's the discount amount?
We've negotiated national fleet discounts for VIP ServicePlus members so you receive the discounts that the "Big Boys" get. These are real discounts that can save you hundreds of dollars. Discounts on rental cars and hotels/vacations vary depending on location and time of booking and typically range from 10% to 35%. Login to your account at http://www.vipserviceplus.com/login.php and click on the appropriate tab to find your discounts and/or make reservations.
What if I have several vehicles?
No problem, your VIP ServicePlus membership allows you to add up to 4 vehicles. We encourage you to add all family vehicles as the whole idea of the membership is to help you have a safer, more efficient, economical and enjoyable vehicle ownership experience. To add vehicles, just login to your account and click on Add a Vehicle. Even if you have a business fleet we have plans that allow you to add more vehicles. Just Contact Us to get set up.
What's the cost?
Contact Liberty Motor Club to find out what plans are available in your area.
Do you ever add new features and benefits?
Absolutely. We continually add new VIP ServicePlus service providers and discount partners that fit our car care and travel programs. The VIPServicePlus web site is updated continually with these new benefits so check back often.